History of Spain

- Romans founded Spain. People from Africa arrived in Spain at least forty thousand years ago.
- Islamic population had Spain under control in A.D. 711. The Moors' historical accomplishment was bringing the religion of Islam to Spain's belief system.
- The Granada were sent out of Spain.
- The Muslims ruled Spain for eight hundred years.
- Christopher Columbus began the Age of Exploration when King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella I sent him to look for land and discovered America in 1492. Spain became powerful in the 1500's due to the explorers Pizarro and Cortes who set up Spanish colonies in the Americas.
- A historical accomplishment of Spain is that the Romans built an aqueduct that can still be seen today.
- The Moors introduced scientific inventions like the astrolabe which is used to measure the position of stars and planets.
- A third historical accomplishment is the building of the cathedral The Mezquita in Cordoba, Spain that used to be a mosque.
- A fun fact about Spain is that they have "The running of the bulls" which is when bulls and people race through the streets to get to the bull ring where the bullfights will take place.
- A historical accomplishment that was a driving force was Ferdinand and Isabella I forced the Muslim Moors out of Spain and ordered everyone, including the Jews, to become Catholic.