Do you know the currency system of Spain?
Its basic unit is the euro. One hundred cents equals one euro. The euro replaced the peseta in 2002. Spain has a large role in the economy of Europe. The major imports of Spain are fuel and chemicals. The major exports of Spain are machinery, motor vehicles, and agricultural produce such as grains, olives, grapes, oranges, and other fruits. Clothing and shoes are also exported from Spain.
- Spain's economy is affected by its physical landscape because most of the land is made up of poor soil on rocky land. The climate is also very dry there which affects the type of crops Spain can grow. Spain does not have a lot of natural resources and does not have a lot of industrial materials.
- Spain's economy affects their cultural system by employing many peole in the service industries. Tourism is an important source of money for Spain. Many visitors come to the beaches of Majorca, Spain each year. The visitors add money to the economy through trade, vacationing, visiting Spain's castles, and attending the bull fights. More than two-thirds of the Spanish people are employed in the service industries. Spain's cultural events such as the colorful festivals, the famous bullfights, and the beautiful beaches attract more than six million visitors each year who add money to Spain's economy.